Gifts and benefits

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority is required to report all gifts or benefits which are valued at over $100.

Regular reporting ensures the Agency meets public expectations regarding public service integrity, accountability, independence, transparency, and professionalism.  

In order to demonstrate the Agency's commitment to meeting these expectations, gifts and benefits received are also publicly reported.

Statement by AFMA's Executive

In the course of undertaking my duties as a member of the Australian Fisheries Management Executive team, I declare I received these gifts or benefits, the value of which exceeds the stipulated threshold of $AUD100.00 (excluding GST).

ReceivedRecordedItemReceived byPresented byOccasionEstimated value $AU*
02/05/2024 PlaqueW. NorrisDirector-General, Fisheries and Maritime Surveillance,
Formal gift to conclude Indonesia Australia Fisheries
Surveillance Forum.
13/03/2024 DinnerWez Norris, Helen Kroger, Scott Spencer, Sevaly Sen, Brett McCallum
David Smith, Will Zacharin, Anna Willock
Working dinner between AFMA Commission (including DCEO) and CFA to
continue discussions from earlier meeting) ($150 pp estimated)
Working dinner$1,200
06/03/2020 MealW. NorrisSETFIADinner meeting$100
28/04/2020 MealW. NorrisFCF Fishing CompanyDinner$100

*Wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia

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