
2022 banana prawn pre-season briefings

The banana prawn season in the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) starts 1 April 2022 and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), is looking forward to seeing operators and fleet managers attend the Northern Prawn Fishery Industry (NPFI) run pre-season briefing sessions. 

Banana prawns are caught from Cape Londonderry in the West to Cape York in the East and to ensure all fishers have an opportunity to attend a pre-season briefing they will be held in Darwin, Cairns and Karumba. 

Where and when are the pre-season briefings

Date Location Time
23 March 2022

Venue: Vibe Hotel Darwin Waterfront 

Address: 7 Kitchner Drive, Darwin NT

25 March 2022

Venue: Cairns Cruising Yacht Club 

Address: 42/48 Tingira St 

Cairns QLD 

27 March 2022

Venue: Raptis  

Address: 70 Yappar St 

Karumba QLD


The pre-season briefing provides operators and fleet managers with an opportunity to talk to representatives from the NPFI, AFMA Fisheries Officers and CSIRO scientists about important information for the upcoming season. 

NPFI will be on hand to discuss historic catch rates, bycatch efforts and gear changes for the season, along with scientists from CSIRO who will join the discussion providing an update on the latest research for the fishery. 

AFMA fisheries officers will provide educational information on any changes to the 2022 NPF Directions and Closures, vessel monitoring system requirements and logbook and reporting obligations.  While vessels are in port fisheries officers will inspect and provide advice on required bycatch reduction devices including, mandatory turtle excluder devices. 

The NPF is one of Australia’s most valuable fisheries and knowing and following the rules and regulations will ensure the sustainability of the fishery for future generations.

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