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    Research process

    AFMA does not undertake research in house. Rather, it outsources research through the following process:


    Research timeline

    AFMA Research Committee’s (ARC) annual funding cycle
    • RAGs and MACs to submit their individual fishery research priorities to the ARC. This includes the fishery’s five year strategic research plan, annual research statement and accompanying scopes for priority projects.
    • The ARC meets to:
      • consider RAG/MAC identified research priorities and agree on priorities for AFMA’s call for applications in September
      • provide advice on research priorities for ComRAC consideration for potential FRDC funding
      • assess the outcomes of the ARC, RAG Chairs and AFMA Management meeting regarding strategic direction and priority needs for potential funding, including through external funding sources such as FRDC and NESP.
    • RAGs and MACs to commence review of their research needs for AFMA/FRDC funding in the following financial year.
    • AFMA’s annual research call is released.
    • Research providers to submit full research proposals in response to annual research call.
    • Full research proposals are provided to AFMA Management, RAGs and MACs for comment, with comments due by mid-December.
    • ARC meets to assess and recommend full research proposals for funding.
    • AFMA CEO approves the AFMA research budget for the new financial year.
    • Applicants advised of the outcome of AFMA’s evaluation of their project proposals.
    • Research contracts prepared and finalised.
    • ARC to meet with RAG Chairs and AFMA Management to discuss strategic direction, priority needs and AFMA’s Strategic Research Plan.


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    Page last updated: 11/02/2023