In pursuing its ecologically sustainable development (ESD) objective the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) takes an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries by managing the effects of commercial fisheries on the marine environment.
As part of this commitment, the Ecological Risk Management (ERM) framework is used to assist decision makers in developing fisheries management arrangements that are consistent with the ESD objective. The framework uses the Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing (ERAEF) as the primary means of assessing the risks that fisheries may pose to the marine environment.
What is the Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing?
The ERAEF involves a hierarchy of risk assessment methodologies progressing from a qualitative analysis at the first stage, to a more detailed and quantitative analysis at the final stage. This approach allows easy identification of high and low risk species, as well as those that are data deficient.
The ERAEF was designed to support the pursuit of ESD in Commonwealth fisheries. It considers the impacts of fishing on five key components of the marine environment, including commercial species, byproduct species, bycatch species, protected species, and habitats and communities.
Ecological risk assessments are used to identify which species, habitats or communities are at risk from the effects of fishing. The ERAEF allows a broad range of species to be assessed under a single framework, allowing fisheries managers to make more informed decisions without needing exhaustive data collection and assessments of all species.
What changes have been made to the Ecological Risk Management framework?
AFMA’s ERM framework was initially developed in 2007 and has been successfully applied to a number of fisheries in Australia and internationally. The framework was independently reviewed by the independent Australian Continuous Improvement Group in 2014 and several recommendations were made to improve the ERAEF and ensure the framework is robust, efficient and cost-effective, while remaining precautionary.
Why has AFMA introduced the Ecological Risk Management guide?
The ERM Guide was released in June 2017 to assist AFMA fishery managers to better implement ERAEF in a consistent and transparent manner. The Guide introduces the use of Fishery Management Strategies for each Commonwealth managed fishery. These are much broader reports than ERMs; addressing responses to ERAEF outcomes, the Commonwealth Fisheries Harvest Strategy Policy and Guidelines, the Commonwealth Policy on Fisheries Bycatch, EPBC Act assessment and reporting obligations as well as better focusing management and research strategies for each fishery.
The Guide outlines the process by which fishery managers can develop FMSs to plan, implement, monitor and review fisheries, ensuring they are being managed in an ecologically sustainable way. And a five year schedule of re-assessment for all Commonwealth fisheries has been developed (unless an earlier re-assessment has been triggered).
Application of the Guide will improve the implementation of the ERAEF framework, by applying certainty to the identification of high risk species and the adoption of risk mitigation management responses.
Click a fishery below to view its ecological risk assessment and management strategy.
Note: AFMA is currently working on ensuring all ERA documents are accessible, if you have any issues reading a document please contact AFMA on 1300 723 621 or 02 6225 5555.
Final report for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishery: Demersal trawl sub-fishery 2018
Final report for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishery: Midwater trawl sub-fishery 2018
Rapid quantitative risk assessment for fish species in seven Commonwealth fisheries
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery – midwater gear
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery – longline gear
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery – demersal trawl
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Macquarie Island Fishery – demersal gear
A Qualitative Risk Analysis for the Coral Sea Fishery was undertaken in 2009, however due to its commercial in confidence nature has not been released publicly.
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Aquarium Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Auto Longline Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Demersal Longline Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Demersal Trawl Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Finfish Trap Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Lobster and Trochus Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Other Line Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Coral Sea Fishery Sea Cucumber Sector
Ecological Risk Assessment for Small Pelagic Fishery Midwater Trawl Sector 2017 (PDF)
Rapid quantitative risk assessment for fish species in seven Commonwealth fisheries
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Small Pelagic Fishery – Purse Seine Sector 2007
Residual Risk Assessment for the Small Pelagic Fishery – Purse Seine Sector
Ecological Risk Management for the Small Pelagic Fishery – Purse Seine Sector 2010
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Small Pelagic Fishery Midwater Trawl Sector 2007
Residual Risk Assessment for the Small Pelagic Fishery – Midwater Trawl Sector
Ecological Risk Management for the Small Pelagic Fishery Midwater Trawl Sector 2010
Gillnet Hook and Trap Sector
ERA report for SESSF: GHAT Scalefish Automatic Longline Subfishery 2015–2019 (PDF 2.04MB)
Gillnet Hook and Trap Sector (GHATS) Auto Longline Fleet
Gillnet Hook and Trap Sector (GHATS) Manual Longline Fleet
ERA report for SESSF: GHAT shark gillnet sub-fishery (published June 2021) (PDF, 4.8MB)
Residual Risk Assessment for Gillnet (non-teleost and non-chondrichthyan) 2012
Residual Risk Assessment for Gillnet (teleost & chondrichthyan) 2014
Residual Risk Assessment for Auto Longline (non-teleost and non-chondrichthyan) 2012
Residual Risk Assessment for Auto Longline (teleost and chondrichthyan) 2014
Ecological Risk Management Strategy for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015
Commonwealth Trawl Sector
ERA report for CTS: Danish seine fishery (published June 2021) (PDF, 5.6MB)
ERA report for CTS: Otter trawl fishery (published June 2021) (PDF, 6.5MB)
Residual Risk Assessment for Danish Seine (non-teleost and non-chondrichthyan) 2012
Residual Risk Assessment for Otter Board Trawl (non-teleost and non-chondrichthyan) 2012
Residual Risk Assessment for Otter Board Trawl (teleost and chondrichthyan) 2014
Ecological Risk Management Strategy for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015
Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector
ERA report for SESSF GABT: Otter trawl fishery (published June 2021) (PDF, 4.1MB)
Residual Risk Assessment for Otter Board Trawl (non-teleost and non-chondrichthyan) 2012
Ecological Risk Management Strategy for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2015