Showing 1 - 8 of 99 results
Research Reports
Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery
Macquarie Island Patagonian Toothfish 2019 Stock Assessment
PI/Organisation: Rich Hillary, CSIRO
Total Cost: $193,851
Project Code: 2017/0830
Research Reports
Northern Prawn Fishery
Red Endeavour Prawn Assessment
PI/Organisation: Shijie Zhou CSIRO
Total Cost: $197,971
Project Code: 2020/0806
Research Reports
Small Pelagic Fishery
Redbait spawning survey
PI/Organisation: Tim Ward University of Adelaide
Total Cost: $580,840
Project Code: 2019/0853
Research Reports
Torres Strait Fisheries
Torres Strait (TS) Finfish sampling
PI/Organisation: Jo Langstreth QDAF
Total Cost: $121,700
Project Code: 2019/0851
Research Reports
Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery
Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) Inter-sessional Science 2020-21
PI/Organisation: Ann Preece CSIRO
Total Cost: $245,000
Project Code: 2019/0849
Research Reports
Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery
Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) species stock structure
PI/Organisation: Jemery Day CSIRO
Total Cost: $43,223
Project Code: 2019/0848
Research Reports
Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery
Macquarie Island toothfish stock assessment
PI/Organisation: Rich Hillary CSIRO
Total Cost: $135,075
Project Code: 2019/0845
Research Reports
Revision of the Assessment Model for the Redleg Banana Prawn in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf fishery
PI/Organisation: Eva Plaganyi CSIRO
Total Cost: $87,799
Project Code: 2019/0843