Keep your VMS switched on during the festive season
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) would like to remind Commonwealth operators to ensure that their Vessel Monitoring System remains operational over the holiday season.
Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) help us to monitor a vessel’s position, course and speed to ensure compliance with fisheries management arrangements.
All Commonwealth fishing operators are required to have a vessel monitoring unit fitted and always operational. Vessels with VMS which are not reporting may be ordered to stop fishing and return to port.
You can apply for a Temporary Switch Off (TSO) to allow you to switch off your unit for a specified period for reasons such as a vessel undergoing repair or for holiday periods. Please note that TSO applications will not be processed between COB 24 December 2024 and 2 January 2023.
Please make sure you:
- seek approval from AFMA before switching off a VMS
- check with us if you have any concerns with your VMS before you go fishing
- include your VMS in routine maintenance programs.
You must not:
- switch off your unit for any reason without prior approval from AFMA
- leave port if your VMS is not working.
More information on your VMS requirements and responsibilities, including a list of approved Vessel Monitoring Systems, is available at afma.gov.au.
We wish you safe and happy holidays!