On this page

    The forms on this page can be used to register your licensing transactions with AFMA, to nominate a boat to your concessions as well as various other licensing and quota management functions.

    Fees may apply for registration and are required to be paid before the registration can be processed.

    AFMA are responsible for  licensing on behalf of the PZJA in the Torres Strait protected zone. For Torres Strait licensing see the PZJA website.

    European Community catch certificates are required for export of Commonwealth species to Member States of the European Union. To be validated by AFMA.

    Form Description
    European Community Catch Certificate For vessels:
    • = or > 12m without towed gear, OR
    • = or > 8m with towed gear, OR
    • with a superstructure, OR
    • = or > measured 20 GT.
    European Community Catch Certificate (simplified form) (PDF, 16 KB) For vessels:
    • < 12m without towed gear, OR
    • < 8m with towed gear, OR
    • without a superstructure, OR
    • of < measured 20 GT.
    Appendix 1, European Community – transport details (PDF, 7 KB) To submit to Member State of the European Union with CCSBT catch documentation for export of SBT – does not require AFMA approval. Advice on the requirements of the EC regulation is available in the Australian Government, AQIS Market Advice (December 2009) on the Department of Agriculture website. Instructions on how to complete a catch certificate are in the ‘Handbook on the practical application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2008’ (PDF, 260 KB) available from the Globefish website.


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    Page last updated: 25/01/2024