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    The Scallop Management Advisory Committee is the principle forum where issues relating to the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery are discussed, problems identified and possible solutions developed.

    The committee is advised by the Scallop Resource Assessment Group on the status of fish stocks, sub stocks, species (target and non-target), the impact of fishing on the marine environment and the type of information needed for stock assessments.

    It also provides an avenue for consultation between industry, managers, researchers, environment and conservation groups, and state government officers. The committee continues to be AFMA’s main source of advice on the management of the fishery.

    ScallopMAC meet annually in June.

    • Research surveys to estimate scallop biomass

    Past decisions and outcomes can be found on the Scallop Management Advisory Committee past meetings page.

    Members are appointed for the period 1 June 2024 until 30 May 2027.

    • Daryl McPhee, Chair
    • Brendan Kelaher, scientific member
    • Steven Mantzaris, industry member
    • Andrew Watts, industry member
    • Stuart Richey, industry member
    • John Cull, industry member
    • Caleb Gardener, economic member
    • Sylvia Zukowski, environment member
    • John Hammond, industry member
    • Steve Hall, AFMA member

    Executive Officer
    Tel: 02 6225 5555
    Email: scallop.mac@afma.gov.au

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    Page last updated: 18/07/2024