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    The Scallop Resource Assessment Group is the key research and scientific committee for management of the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery. The group provides advice to the Scallop Management Advisory Committee on the status of fish stocks, sub stocks, species (target and non-target), the impact of fishing on the marine environment and the type of information needed for stock assessments.

    The group also evaluates alternative harvest options like the impact over time of different harvest strategies, stock depletion or recovery rates, confidence levels for fishery assessments and risks to the success of fishery objectives. Compliance and economic factors affecting the fishery are also evaluated and reported on by the group.

    This group provides an avenue for consultation between industry members, fishery managers, fishery economists, fishery scientists and other interest groups.

    The next committee meeting will be in late February / early March.

    • Research surveys to estimate scallop biomass
    • Linking scallop spawning, settlement and condition to spatial harvest and industry in-season management strategies
    • Assessing the impact of marine seismic surveys on southeast Australian fisheries.

    Past minutes, recommendations and advice can be found on the Scallop Resource Assessment Group past meetings page.

    Members are appointed for the period 1 July 2022 until 31 December 2023.

    • Professor Brendan Kelaher, Chair
    • Dr Jayson Semmens, scientific member
    • Dr Don Bromhead, scientific member
    • Mr Julian Morison, economic member
    • Mr Stuart Richey, industry member
    • Mr John Cull, industry member
    • Mr Steve Hall, AFMA

    Alannah Wood
    Executive Officer
    Tel: 02 6225 5555
    Email: scallop.rag@afma.gov.au

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    Page last updated: 25/09/2024